The SBA Talks About Business Planning
The SBA Talks About Business Planning

The Small Business Administration says few business have a yearly business plan or a
financial plan. They have statistics that say those business that do have plans way
outperform those that don’t. There are probably any number of reasons why small businesses do not develop business plans that could lead to success. However, it is well documented that doing so significantly improves your chances of success. Using a well thought out and highly participatory process to develop a strategic plan as well as yearly plans for important areas – finance, operations, marketing, etc., will help ensure the company is moving in the right direction. Business management should be by intent, not by default. And yes, it takes time to develop good plans, but we will help and guide you through the process. When the planning is finished, you will have a clear and definitive direction on running your business. You will feel in control knowing there is a plan of action that will take your business where you want it to go.